Reverse Engineering my A/C into a HomeKit Accessory
As a part of homekit-ifying my apartment, i’ve been wanting to make my window A/C unit a bit smarter. I have a Keystone remote-controlled A/C - below is the journey of understanding how the remote talks to the A/C unit, and how to use some little IR LEDS and an ESP 8266 to open the A/C up to Homekit.
See my previous HomeKit article for more info on initial setup.
First step was to see what messages were being sent out of the A/C’s remote control. To do so, I purchased a little IR receiver (VS1838B) and hooked it up to my breadboard and ESP module with the pin out seen here:
I used IRremoteESP8266’s IRrecvDumpV3 to inspect the output. This library contains a lot of pre-reversed-engineered protocols, and as it turned out the IRrecvDumpV3 correctly identified the protocol.
The result of the dump was really detail-rich:
Timestamp : 000080.500
Library : v2.7.19
Protocol : MIDEA
Code : 0xA10C7EFFFFF3 (48 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Type: 1 (Command), Power: Off, Mode: 4 (Fan), Celsius: Off, Temp: 33C/92F, On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off, Fan: 1 (Low), Sleep: Off, Swing(V) Toggle: Off, Econo Toggle: Off, Turbo Toggle: Off, Light Toggle: Off
uint16_t rawData[199] = {4420, 4400, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 516, 558, 516, 560, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 516, 558, 516, 560, 1594, 558, 1592, 558, 518, 558, 516, 558, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 558, 1594, 560, 1592, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 1594, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 558, 516, 560, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 5190, 4422, 4400, 558, 518, 558, 1594, 558, 518, 558, 1594, 558, 1596, 556, 1594, 558, 1596, 558, 516, 560, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 556, 1594, 558, 518, 558, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 518, 558, 518, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 518, 558, 518, 558, 1596, 556, 518, 558, 516, 558, 518, 558, 518, 558, 518, 558, 518, 558, 516, 558, 518, 558, 516, 558, 518, 558, 516, 558, 518, 558, 518, 558, 518, 558, 516, 558, 518, 558, 518, 558, 516, 558, 518, 558, 518, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 558, 518, 558}; // MIDEA A10C7EFFFFF3
uint64_t data = 0xA10C7EFFFFF3;
Timestamp : 000098.968
Library : v2.7.19
Protocol : MIDEA
Code : 0xA18C7EFFFF73 (48 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Type: 1 (Command), Power: On, Mode: 4 (Fan), Celsius: Off, Temp: 33C/92F, On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off, Fan: 1 (Low), Sleep: Off, Swing(V) Toggle: Off, Econo Toggle: Off, Turbo Toggle: Off, Light Toggle: Off
uint16_t rawData[199] = {4420, 4398, 560, 1594, 558, 518, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 518, 558, 516, 560, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 558, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 556, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 518, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 558, 518, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 5190, 4420, 4400, 558, 516, 558, 1594, 588, 488, 558, 1594, 586, 1564, 588, 1566, 586, 1566, 586, 488, 586, 488, 588, 1564, 586, 1566, 586, 1566, 586, 488, 588, 488, 586, 1566, 586, 1566, 586, 1564, 586, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 488, 588, 486, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 586, 488, 588, 488, 586, 488, 586, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 586, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 586, 488, 586, 1566, 586, 490, 588, 488, 586, 490, 586, 1564, 588, 1564, 586, 488, 588, 488, 586}; // MIDEA A18C7EFFFF73
uint64_t data = 0xA18C7EFFFF73;
Timestamp : 000114.744
Library : v2.7.19
Protocol : MIDEA
Code : 0xA18267FFFF6A (48 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Type: 1 (Command), Power: On, Mode: 2 (Auto), Celsius: Off, Temp: 21C/69F, On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off, Fan: 0 (Auto), Sleep: Off, Swing(V) Toggle: Off, Econo Toggle: Off, Turbo Toggle: Off, Light Toggle: Off
uint16_t rawData[199] = {4422, 4398, 560, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 514, 560, 516, 562, 512, 560, 1590, 562, 1590, 560, 516, 560, 514, 560, 516, 560, 514, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 562, 1590, 560, 1592, 562, 514, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1594, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 5190, 4422, 4398, 560, 514, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 1594, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1594, 562, 1590, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 562, 512, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 558, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 562}; // MIDEA A18267FFFF6A
uint64_t data = 0xA18267FFFF6A;
Timestamp : 000138.675
Library : v2.7.19
Protocol : MIDEA
Code : 0xA18268FFFF64 (48 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Type: 1 (Command), Power: On, Mode: 2 (Auto), Celsius: Off, Temp: 21C/70F, On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off, Fan: 0 (Auto), Sleep: Off, Swing(V) Toggle: Off, Econo Toggle: Off, Turbo Toggle: Off, Light Toggle: Off
uint16_t rawData[199] = {4420, 4400, 558, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 518, 558, 518, 558, 516, 562, 512, 560, 1594, 560, 1590, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 558, 518, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 562, 512, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 1592, 586, 1566, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 558, 1594, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 1594, 560, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 516, 558, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 558, 5190, 4450, 4372, 586, 490, 586, 1564, 588, 488, 558, 1594, 586, 1564, 588, 1564, 586, 1564, 588, 488, 586, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 1564, 588, 1566, 586, 1566, 588, 1562, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 1564, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 590, 1562, 588, 1564, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 590, 486, 588, 488, 588, 486, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 586, 488, 588, 486, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 1562, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 1564, 588}; // MIDEA A18268FFFF64
uint64_t data = 0xA18268FFFF64;
Timestamp : 000144.930
Library : v2.7.19
Protocol : MIDEA
Code : 0xA18269FFFF65 (48 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Type: 1 (Command), Power: On, Mode: 2 (Auto), Celsius: Off, Temp: 22C/71F, On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off, Fan: 0 (Auto), Sleep: Off, Swing(V) Toggle: Off, Econo Toggle: Off, Turbo Toggle: Off, Light Toggle: Off
uint16_t rawData[199] = {4422, 4400, 558, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 558, 516, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 1592, 562, 1590, 558, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 558, 516, 558, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 1590, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 1592, 558, 516, 558, 518, 562, 1590, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 562, 1590, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1590, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 562, 1592, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 558, 516, 560, 1592, 558, 516, 560, 1594, 560, 5186, 4422, 4398, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 588, 488, 558, 516, 562, 1590, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 588, 1564, 562, 1590, 586, 488, 588, 1564, 558, 1592, 588, 488, 586, 490, 588, 1564, 586, 488, 588, 1564, 586, 1564, 588, 488, 586, 490, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 586, 488, 562, 514, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 488, 586, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 1566, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 488, 588}; // MIDEA A18269FFFF65
uint64_t data = 0xA18269FFFF65;
Timestamp : 000148.631
Library : v2.7.19
Protocol : MIDEA
Code : 0xA18268FFFF64 (48 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Type: 1 (Command), Power: On, Mode: 2 (Auto), Celsius: Off, Temp: 21C/70F, On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off, Fan: 0 (Auto), Sleep: Off, Swing(V) Toggle: Off, Econo Toggle: Off, Turbo Toggle: Off, Light Toggle: Off
uint16_t rawData[199] = {4420, 4400, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 518, 558, 1592, 562, 1590, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 558, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 562, 1590, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 558, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 562, 514, 558, 1592, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 558, 1592, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 558, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 558, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 1592, 560, 516, 558, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 514, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 558, 5188, 4422, 4400, 558, 516, 560, 1594, 558, 516, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 562, 1590, 560, 516, 558, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 586, 490, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 562, 1590, 560, 516, 562, 514, 588, 488, 588, 490, 558, 516, 586, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 560, 516, 586, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 586, 1566, 586, 488, 588, 490, 588, 1564, 586, 1566, 586, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 1564, 586}; // MIDEA A18268FFFF64
uint64_t data = 0xA18268FFFF64;
Timestamp : 000151.030
Library : v2.7.19
Protocol : MIDEA
Code : 0xA18267FFFF6A (48 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Type: 1 (Command), Power: On, Mode: 2 (Auto), Celsius: Off, Temp: 21C/69F, On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off, Fan: 0 (Auto), Sleep: Off, Swing(V) Toggle: Off, Econo Toggle: Off, Turbo Toggle: Off, Light Toggle: Off
uint16_t rawData[199] = {4420, 4398, 560, 1592, 558, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 558, 516, 560, 516, 562, 514, 560, 1592, 562, 1590, 560, 516, 560, 516, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 516, 560, 1592, 558, 516, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 1594, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 558, 516, 560, 1592, 558, 1592, 558, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 5190, 4420, 4400, 560, 514, 560, 1594, 560, 514, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 514, 560, 1594, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 562, 1590, 586, 488, 588, 1566, 558, 1592, 586, 490, 560, 516, 562, 1590, 560, 1592, 586, 490, 558, 516, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 562, 514, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 560, 516, 588, 488, 588, 486, 588, 488, 588, 488, 586, 488, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 588}; // MIDEA A18267FFFF6A
uint64_t data = 0xA18267FFFF6A;
Timestamp : 000160.799
Library : v2.7.19
Protocol : MIDEA
Code : 0xA10267FFFFEA (48 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Type: 1 (Command), Power: Off, Mode: 2 (Auto), Celsius: Off, Temp: 21C/69F, On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off, Fan: 0 (Auto), Sleep: Off, Swing(V) Toggle: Off, Econo Toggle: Off, Turbo Toggle: Off, Light Toggle: Off
uint16_t rawData[199] = {4420, 4400, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 558, 516, 558, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 516, 560, 1592, 558, 518, 558, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 1594, 560, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 1592, 560, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 1594, 558, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 5190, 4420, 4400, 558, 518, 558, 1592, 558, 518, 562, 1590, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 558, 518, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 558, 1592, 560, 1592, 560, 1592, 586, 1566, 558, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 1592, 588, 1564, 560, 516, 560, 516, 560, 516, 588, 488, 586, 490, 586, 488, 588, 488, 562, 514, 586, 488, 560, 516, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 588, 488, 586, 1564, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 588, 488, 588, 1564, 588}; // MIDEA A10267FFFFEA
uint64_t data = 0xA10267FFFFEA;
As a proof of concept I wrote up a little arduino sketch and hooked up three IR LEDs in parallel:
I then ran the following sketch, copying the raw bytes from a previous capture - turning the A/C on!
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRsend.h>
#include <ir_Midea.h>
const uint16_t irLed = 4;
uint16_t rawData[199] = {4420, 4400, 560, 1592, 558, 518, 558, 1592, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 516, 558, 518, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 558, 518, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 518, 558, 516, 558, 516, 558, 518, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 560, 516, 558, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 1594, 558, 1594, 560, 514, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 518, 558, 516, 560, 5188, 4420, 4400, 558, 516, 560, 1592, 558, 516, 560, 1592, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 560, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 558, 1592, 558, 516, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 584, 1566, 558, 1594, 558, 516, 558, 516, 586, 1566, 558, 1594, 558, 518, 558, 516, 586, 1566, 558, 518, 586, 488, 586, 488, 588, 488, 560, 514, 590, 486, 588, 488, 558, 516, 586, 490, 586, 488, 586, 488, 586, 488, 588, 488, 586, 490, 586, 490, 586, 488, 562, 1592, 586, 488, 586, 488, 586, 1566, 586, 1566, 590, 1560, 558, 1594, 558, 1594, 588}; // MIDEA A18866FFFF60
IRsend irsend(irLed);
void setup() {
void loop() {
irsend.sendRaw(rawData, 199, 38);
The previously mentioned ESP library has an ir_Midea
class which implements the protocol. Simply creating an instance of the IRMideaAc
let me interface quickly with the A/C!
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRsend.h>
#include <ir_Midea.h>
const uint16_t irLed = 4;
IRMideaAC ac(irLed);
void setup() {
Serial.println("Setup Complete.");
void loop() {
+ HomeKit
Utilizing my previous ESP HomeKit boilerplate, and by referring to the HomeKit specificaton published by Apple, I implemented a Heater Cooler
accessory with several services.
chomekit_accessory_t *accessories[] = {
HOMEKIT_ACCESSORY(.id=1, .category=homekit_accessory_category_air_conditioner, .services=(homekit_service_t*[]) {
HOMEKIT_SERVICE(ACCESSORY_INFORMATION, .characteristics=(homekit_characteristic_t*[]) {
HOMEKIT_SERVICE(HEATER_COOLER, .primary=true, .characteristics=(homekit_characteristic_t*[]) {
Each service has a callback which queues the appropriate IR command, and on each loop, an IR payload is sent.
void loop() {
if (queueCommand)
Serial.write("Sending AC Command....\n");
The entire Arduino sketch can be found on GitHub.
Changing the Wifi information will let the module connect to your LAN, which will then make the module discoverable in your phone’s Home app.
WiFi connected, IP:
starting my_homekit_setup
about to call arduino_homekit_setup
>>> [ 14008] HomeKit: Starting server
>>> [ 14019] HomeKit: Using existing accessory ID: BF:A6:FD:8B:AA:44
>>> [ 14025] HomeKit: Preiniting pairing context
>>> [ 14030] HomeKit: Using user-specified password: 121-33-121
>>> [ 14050] HomeKit: Call s_mp_exptmod in integer.c, original winsize 6
>>> [ 20763] HomeKit: Call s_mp_exptmod in integer.c, original winsize 5
>>> [ 24193] HomeKit: Preinit pairing context success
>>> [ 24198] HomeKit: Configuring MDNS
>>> [ 24203] HomeKit: MDNS begin: AirCon, IP:
>>> [ 24209] HomeKit: Init server over
exiting my_homekit_setup
Free heap: 40568, HomeKit clients: 0
Free heap: 41056, HomeKit clients: 0
Free heap: 41104, HomeKit clients: 0
Have a comment? Let me know
This post helpful? Buy me a coffee!